Nobilis® IBmulti+ND+EDS
Name: Nobilis® IBmulti+ND+EDS is an inactivated vaccine against infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease and egg drop syndrome.
Qualitative and quantitative composition: Each dose (0.5 ml) of the vaccine contains active substances (inactivated viruses): infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), M 41 infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain, D274 Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain, Clone 30 strain EDSV strain ALL 4
Excipients: adjuvant – liquid paraffin inactivant – formaldehyde
Immunobiological properties: Formation of long-term immunity against Massachusetts infectious bronchitis and variant D207 / D274 serotypes, Newcastle disease and egg drop syndrome. Immunity after vaccination in birds is formed for the entire laying period, in case if the bird has previously been vaccinated with live vaccines against infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease.
Groups of animals: chickens.
Indications for use: The vaccine is intended for active immunization of laying hens and parent stock to protect against Massachusetts infectious bronchitis and variant D207 / D274 serotypes, Newcastle disease, and egg drop syndrome.
Special precautions for application: Before using the vaccine, shake the vaccine and bring its temperature to 15-25 °C. Use sterile tools for vaccination. Do not store the product opened for more than 3 hours. Do not use tools with rubber parts to administer the vaccine.
Dosing and routes of administration for animals of different age: Each bird must be administered with 0.25 ml of the vaccine intramuscularly into the thoracic muscle or thigh.
Overdose (symptoms, urgent measures, antidotes): When overdosed with a double dose, symptoms are absent. Sometimes, minor swelling is possible at the injection site that rapidly disappears.
Special precautions: vaccinate only healthy birds.
Withdrawal period: zero days.
Basic forms of incompatibility: Do not mix with other veterinary drugs.
Shelf life: 24 months Once opened, use the vaccine within 3 hours.
Special storage warnings: store in a dark place at a temperature between 2 °C and 8 °C. Do not freeze the product.
Packing: Type II glass vials (European Pharmacopoeia) or polyethylene terephthalate vials for 250 ml (500 doses) or 500 ml (1000 doses). The vial is closed with a nitrile rubber stopper and aluminum cap. Vials can be packed in carton boxes of 1 or 12 bottles in each.