Maxus G100
Product name: Maxus® G100
Description: Brown color powder
Composition: 1kg of the product contains as active substance: Avilamycin – 100g Excipients: mineral oil and rice hulls Pharmacological characteristics: Avilamycin – oligosaccharide antibiotic. It exerts its antimicrobial effect by inhibiting protein synthesis of susceptible organisms. The spectrum of activity is primarily against Gram-positive bacteria (e.g. Clostridium perfringens, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp.) Avilamycin does not transfer cross-resistance to other micro-organisms.
Indications for use specifying the target species: For the treatment of bacterial enteritis in chickens and replacements caused by microorganisms susceptible to avilamycin.
Dosage: Peroral administration via feed at the dose of 10 g avilamycin per 1 ton of feed during first 2 weeks of life, dose for the treatment against necrotic enteritis is – 20 g avilamycin per 1 ton of feed (or 200 g of the product per 1 ton of feed) during 7 days.
Contraindications: Susceptibility to avilamycin. Don’t use the product for replacement chickens.
Overdose (symptoms, emergency procedures, antidotes): The prolonged administration of avilamycin at levels of up to 300 times the maximum proposed use level for chickens did not result in adverse clinical or toxicological effects.
Special warnings: Withdrawal days: 0
Nature and contents of container: 25 kg multiwall paper bags with an inner facing polyethylene coated middle ply.
Special precautions for storage: Store in dark, dry place at 15° to 25°C. Shelf-life – 24 months. Product can be used within 3 months after the bag is opened. To be used in veterinary medicine!
The owner of registered certificate: Finished product manufacturer: Eli Lilly Regional Operations Health GmbH (Elanco Enimal Health), Austria.
Finished product manufacturer: Eli Lilly do Brasil Ltda; Divisao Elanco Saude Animal Av. Morumbi, 8264 Sao Paulo – SP, Brasil.